First off,
It's been a
week since summer vacation has started for us and while I find myself wondering
how my kiddos are doing I AM THRILLED that it's summer!! It was a long year and
I am finally starting to gain back energy and feel like a human again!
I'm not spending
every second working on school (although let's be real - it's Saturday morning
and as soon as I get back from Zumba I'm posting and planning for next year
haha). Really though, I can drink as much water as I want because I can
actually use the restroom, etc. etc! It
really is the little things in life, come on teachers you know you can relate ;)
My summer
vacation is going to be short and sweet because I'm transferring from a
traditional caldendar school to a year round school. Meaning...Meet the Teacher is 5 days away! WOAH! To stay on point though, last year I had one volunteer all year.
Every single field trip it was my entire class and me. It was like this across
our grade level! Pretty crazy. Needless to say, there was no extra help during the school year either.
My new school
has very involved parents - can you say YAY!?
I'm so looking forward to it!! It will be a big adjustment for sure but one
that I'm excited to get started with.
From talking
with other teachers I've heard that a great way to organize a schedule is to
use SignUp Genius.
It seems easy peasy and sends out a reminder e-mail to the parents of when they
signed up for!
Here are some
ways that I'd like to have the parents help us:
*Do read aloud
*Work with small groups math or literacy
*Copy, cut, laminate items
I realize this
is vague and short - which is why I would LOVE LOVE LOVE any thoughts, ideas,
and to hear how you utilize parent volunteers in your classroom!!
How do you utilize parent volunteers in your
classroom? I’m dying to
know! :)
Thanks blogger
friends!! Have a great rest of your weekend!
P.S. Are you looking for ways to cultivate a culture of kindness in your classroom? Eliminate disruptive behaviors? Help your students with social-emotional learning? I've got your answer! Check out this totally free teacher right here.